Sunday, June 3, 2018

Sunshine Summer: Week 2

We had a great time with all of the bug crafts and activities last week. Tomorrow will start Week 3--the theme is BIRDS!

We ask that all parents walk their child/children up to the registration table near the school door on the 4s side on Monday morning to check-in and find room assignments. (If you haven't completed payment, we ask that you do so Monday morning.) After the first morning, we'll do a regular carpool in the front parking lot from 8:50--9:05 in the mornings and 11:50--12:05 in the afternoons.

Your child won't need to bring a backpack until the final day of the week. We'll save most of our projects to send home then. We serve snack just as we do on a regular school day, so you won't need to worry about sending any food or drink.

Check out these "cute as a bug" pictures!