Saturday, May 26, 2018

Getting Ready for Week 2!

We finished up our first week of Sunshine Summer with hotdogs! They were a hit! We're looking forward to Week 2: BUGS!

Because Monday is Memorial Day, Week 2's classes start on Tuesday. We ask that all parents walk their child/children up to the registration table near the school door on the 4s side on Tuesday morning to check-in and find room assignments. (If you haven't completed payment, we ask that you do so Tuesday morning.) After the first morning, we'll do a regular carpool in the front parking lot from 8:50--9:05 in the mornings and 11:50--12:05 in the afternoons.

Your child won't need to bring a backpack until the final day of the week. We'll save most of our projects to send home then. We serve snack just as we do on a regular school day, so you won't need to worry about sending any food or drink.

PS If the weather forces us to change any of our plans, we'll send out an email and post to our FB page and blog.