Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Welcome Postcard

By now all of our families for next year should have received a WELCOME email and postcard. (See below.)  If you haven't, please contact the school and let us know.  We want to make sure we have everyone's contact information correct!

Hi Families!

Thank you for registering for the 2019-2020 school year at W.I.P.P.  Our Open House for parents is scheduled for Wednesday, August 21, at 7:00 pm.  The next day, Thursday, August 22, is our Get Acquainted Day where the children visit their classrooms. There is no school on Friday, August 23, so teachers can take care of all of the last minute things in their rooms.

The first week of school will start on Monday, August 26.  If you didn't receive a WELCOME email from WIPP yet, please check your spam/junk folder or email wipp450@gmail.com so we can make sure you're added to the school email database. We'll be sending out various email updates throughout the summer to keep families informed. You can also find additional information on our school blog: www.wippreschool.blogspot.com .

Have a wonderful summer!  We're looking forward to seeing you in August!

Kathleen Pecic

P.S.  We currently have waiting lists for most of our classes.  If your plans for attending WIPP should change, please let us know.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Sunshine Summer Week 3

We've finished up our last week of Sunshine Summer--and we had a great time exploring SPACE!


Saturday, June 1, 2019

Sunshine Summer Week 2

This week was all about dogs!  
We played with stuffed animals and dog action figures.
We made dog bone bracelets.
We did lots of puppy dog crafts.
And we had fun!