- Photo retakes are this Friday at 9:15. We'll automatically take pictures for anyone who was absent during picture days. If your child had a picture taken last time, but you'd like a retake, please email wipp450@gmail.com or call the office @ 912-897-7568 so we can get his/her name on the list. If your child doesn't attend school on Fridays, just come on up at 9:15 and we'll get the pictures taken ASAP. Directions for ordering are below on the blog.
- This Saturday is Family Fun Day at the Wilmington Island Farmers' Market. WIPP will be doing Storytime and a Halloween Sing-Along at 10:00 on the stage. We've been practicing our Halloween songs during music with Miss Kathleen, and we'd love to have our students come by to sing! We'll be sending a flyer home this week with some of the other fun things going on (including Family Fun Yoga, Art, and Cooking!)
- This month is Fire Safety Month. In addition to crafts and activities in our classrooms, we'll have a visit from Southside Fire Department on Wednesday, October 18 (weather-permitting and barring any emergency calls!) If your child is a Tuesday/Thursdaystudent, we invite you to come by and see the fire trucks between 9:30 and 10:00. Our Wednesday classes will be going out to visit and hear the firefighters talk about their jobs and safety equipment during the morning.
- Hopefully we are through with any weather-related days off for this year! Instead of scheduling make-up days during Thanksgiving or Christmas break, we will be discounting tuition for our students 25% for the month of November. We'll send additional information on this when tuition envelops go home at the end of the month, but we wanted to send out a heads-up!
- As of the end of this month we will have one spot open in our 3s, one spot open in our 4s, and one spot open in our 5-day 2s. If you know of anyone who's interested in joining us at WIPP, tell them to give us a call!
Don't forget to check our class blogs to see what's going on in your child's classroom. Links can be found on the right-hand side of this blog!