Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Happy Fall!

It's been an exciting week and we're only halfway through! We had a visit from the fire truck today to talk about fire safety and show us the firefighting equipment. Look below for some of our pictures!

Next week we have some off-campus field trips to the Islands Y Pumpkin Patch scheduled for our 3s and 4s. Miss Heather's class is going on Monday 10/23 and Miss Deborah's class and all of our 3s are going on Wednesday 10/25. This isn't a regular school day for those classes. The students don't come to school, but instead meet at the pumpkin patch at 10:00 to start their field trip. Activities usually wrap up about 12:15-12:30. Keep your fingers crossed for good weather! If there are heavy rain/thunderstorms, we have to cancel and have a regular school day.

Make-up pictures are up on AdLib Photography's website. Follow the directions listed on the original blog post to order. ( . The next batch of prints will be ordered Friday morning.

If you're looking for something fun to do this weekend, come visit the Fall Festival at the church! There will be fun and games for everyone!