Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Class Pictures!

Class pictures will be taken on Tuesday, April 5, of our TTH 2s, our M-F 3s and all of our 4s. We’ll finish on Wednesday, April 6, with our MWF 2s and MWF 3s.

Cost is $8 and it must be prepaid. If you’d like to purchase one, please return the form sent home this week along with the money by Monday, April 4.  (Make checks payable to Photos By Lori.)

Thank you!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Desserts with Dads

Our 4s welcomed their dads to Fellowship Hall for a delicious dessert of cookies and doughnuts. But first there was a bit of entertainment! We sang "You Are My Sunshine" to our dads and did a little dance with them! Then it was time for our treats!

Desserts With Dads

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Thank you to everyone who helped to make the 22nd Annual W.I.P.P. St. Patrick's Day parade a success!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

WIPP St. Patrick's Day Parade video

Here are a couple of clips from today's parade.  Thanks to our local news stations for coming out to visit!


Wilmington Island kicks off St. Patrick's Day celebrations

Wilmington Island kicks off St. Patrick's Day celebrations

Wilmington Island Pre-Schoolers Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a Parade | WSAV TV

Wilmington Island Pre-Schoolers Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a Parade WSAV TV

Pre-schoolers parade through Wilmington Island - WTOC, Savannah, Georgia, news, weather and sports |

Pre-schoolers parade through Wilmington Island - WTOC, Savannah, Georgia, news, weather and sports

Happy March 16th!!

Thank you to everyone who helped make our St. Patrick's Day parade such fun!  We were already on WTOC's 12:00 news program.  Keep your eyes open during tonight's local news.  I know I saw cameras from WTOC and WSAV along the parade route.

Check back later for photos!

Also, thanks to Savannah Morning News for including our WIPP Parade Court in today' Islands CloseUp!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Parade Court

Thank you to Mr. Jerry Hogan who came out to school this week to choose our court for next Wednesday's St. Patrick's Day parade.  All of our children in their last year at WIPP who have been with us as 2s, 3s, and now 4s had their names put into a hat.  Then Mr. Hogan picked out our Little Miss Shamrock Princesses and the Grand Marshal and his Aides.  Congratulations to all of them!  We can't wait until the parade!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March Music

Miss Caitlin visited us today for music with three of our classes.  She helped us get in the mood for St. Patrick's Day by singing a shamrock song and teaching us how to keep time with sticks and shakers to an Irish jig.  We also had to pay attention to directions for our Irish jig.  If Miss Caitlin held up a picture of the sticks, only the sticks played.  If she held up the shaker, only the shakers played.  If she held up both, we all played!  You can see some pictures below as well as a link for some of our singing.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Reminder for Friday, March 4

No school on Friday, March 4th!  Enjoy the long weekend!

Wednesday, March 2

What beautiful weather we're enjoying right now!  It's perfect for fun on the playground!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More on our St. Patrick's Day Parade

Wilmington Island Presbyterian Preschool
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
March 16, 2011
9:30 a.m.

As we finalize our plans for this year’s St. Patrick’s Day parade, we need your help with some things. If you can assist with anything below, please return the form to your child’s teacher, call the office (897-7568), or email (kpecic@gmail.com), so we can get you on the list.

Our parade day, Wednesday, March 16th, is not a regular school day. WE WILL NOT HAVE EARLY BIRDS, CARPOOL, OR LUNCH BUNCH ON THIS DAY. Please bring your child to school no later than 9:05. Everyone is invited to come and watch the parade. Children will be dismissed to their parents at about 10:05 immediately following the parade. (In case of inclement weather, we will have to cancel the parade and have a regular school day. PLEASE keep your fingers crossed for us!)

Our 2s join the parade in wagons/strollers pulled by a parent, our 3s ride in decorated trailers, and our 4s march! (There will be more about these details coming home from your child’s teacher.)

Thanks! We’re really looking forward to having fun with this!



While everyone is invited to watch, there might be some of you who would like to participate in the parade. If you have any of the following that you’d be like to drive or walk, please let us know by March 7.  Participants need to be in the school parking lot by 9:00.

___ a convertible,classic/unusual car or truck (To add a little interest and pizzazz!)
___ decorated bicycles
___ big, odd, non-scary animal that you’d like to walk in the parade
___ bagpipes (We’d love a bagpipe player to march along with us!)
___ a leprechaun or other St. Patrick’s Day themed parader(s)!

Your name ______________________________________________

Your child’s name ________________________________________

Your contact information ___________________________________