Jonah and the Whale Song
to the tune of "London Bridge"
God asked Jonah to obey
To obey,
to obey,
God asked Jonah to obey
But he said No. (Shake finger No!)
was swallowed by a whale
By a whale,
By a whale,
Jonah was swallowed by a whale.
Swallowed whole!
(rub tummy at the end)
By a whale,
By a whale,
Jonah was swallowed by a whale.
Swallowed whole!
(rub tummy at the end)
prayed to God above
God above,
God above,
Jonah prayed to God above
And was forgiven!
(hold hands in prayer position at the end)
God above,
God above,
Jonah prayed to God above
And was forgiven!
(hold hands in prayer position at the end)