It's official! We've completed our 2011-2012 Visitation Day and are now ready for our first real week of school. We had lots of activity in the building in the short time between 9:05 and 10:30. There were plenty of bathroom breaks, crafts, building activities, songs and chants, and smiles!
We ask that all families read through our school handbook and sign and return the form in the back. We have made some minor changes this year. We have several other forms that need to be returned including those for emergency contacts, carpool safety, and permission to photograph. Thank you for your time and patience in getting all of the beginning-of-the-year busywork done for us.
Our five-day classes will return on Tuesday, September 6th, using our regular carpool with Mrs. Knudsen and the 4s in the front parking lot and Mrs. Smith's M-F students in the back lot. We ask our 2s parents to continue walking their children to the classroom for the first few weeks of school to help with any separation hesitation.
Check back for our first week update.