Tuesday, April 30, 2019

WIPC Vacation Bible School

Wilmington Island Presbyterian Church will hold its Vacation Bible School June 10th thru 14th from 9:00 AM – noon daily.

Registration forms are located in the church office or on the website: www.wipcsav.com

Deadline for registration is May 13th. We do fill up fast so please don’t wait too long.

Along with registration form(s) there is a “Use of Photograph Release” form(s) that also needs to be filled out.

For more information or questions, please contact the church at 897-1940.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

End of the Year Info

This is such a busy time of year!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter!

Thank you to everyone who helped make our Easter parties so much fun for our kids.  There is no school tomorrow, Monday 4/22.  We'll start back with our classes on Tuesday 4/23.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Parent Email 4/16/19

Below is a copy of the email that we sent out to families today.

Hi Families!

We're SO excited about our Easter Egg Hunts (and parties!)  If you haven't sent in a set of filled plastic eggs for your child's class party, please do so ASAP!  You can also bring them to the party if you've run out of time.
On Wednesday Miss Didi, Mrs. Knudsen, and Mrs. Anderson will be off-campus for their parties.
On Thursday both of our 4s classes, Mrs. Heebner's class, Miss Jaycie's class, and Miss Emily's class will all be off-campus for their parties.
We have off Friday and Monday for our Easter Break.  Classes will resume on Tuesday, April 23rd.

If you're interested in having your child attend our Sunshine Summer programs, forms and registration fees need to be turned in by next Wednesday, April 24th.  There is a copy of the registration form (with more details) below.

I hope that your family has a blessed and restful Easter--

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Another Perfect Bike Day!

Despite the clouds early this morning, our 3s ended up with a perfect day for their Bike Day!  We'll keep our St. Jude donations open until Friday, April 12th.
You can make a donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to support them in their crusade against childhood cancer by using the envelope that came home last week or by donating online. If you'd like to donate cash or check, please return your child's envelope to school. Directions for donating online are below.   All prizes will be mailed directly to participants' doorsteps. All donations must be logged online (Even those turned in to WIPP.) in order to receive credit toward prizes.
  • Go to stjude.org/trike.
  • Go to find your school and search Wilmington Island Preschool.
  • Go to Register to create an account and make a donation. You can also share this page with friends and families who might want to help out.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

4s Bike Day--Perfect Weather!

Our 4s had a great time at Bike Day!