Saturday, June 29, 2013

2013-14 WIPP Calendar

Here is our planned 2013-2014 school year calendar.  Because our breaks mirror those of the SCCPSS, if there are major changes in their calendar, we might have some adjustments.

Wilmington Island Presbyterian Preschool
2013-2014 School Calendar

August 23, 26-28              Teacher Workdays
Wednesday, August 28      Parent/Teacher Open House in the Sanctuary 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 29          Get Acquainted Day (Children attend 9-10:30.)
August 30, September 2     Labor Day Holidays
Tuesday, September 3        Regular classes begin (9:05-12:05.)
Monday, October 7           Parent Conference Day (No school for students)
Monday November 11      Veteran's Day Holiday
Tuesday, November 26     Thanksgiving Program
November 27, 28, 29        Thanksgiving Holidays
Friday, Dec. 20                  Christmas Program/ Christmas Holidays Begin
Monday, Jan. 6                  Classes Resume
Monday, January 20           MLK Holiday
Monday, February17          Presidents’ Day Holiday
Friday, March 7                 WIPP St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Mon.-Mon., March 10-17 Spring Break
Tuesday, March 18             Parent Conference Day (No school for students)
Fri/Mon Apr 18/21             Easter Break
Tuesday, May 13               Graduation 4s
Wednesday, May 14          Last Day of School/School Picnic

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sunshine Summer: Thursday Happenings

Making monkeys

Having fun with friends

Saying a blessing and enjoying snack

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Take a look at some of the activites we've been working on so far this week!

Making tikis!

And flowers for our hair...

Decorating parrots...

Investigating new things...

Racing, playing, painting, digging for buried treasure, and listening to stories!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Susnhine Summer: Week 3

Aloha!  Keep your eyes open this week for hula skirts, leis, and luaus!

 Today we made our calendars, colored some hula girls, cut and pasted surfboards, played inside and outside, and siad our blessing before snack!
